Leak Protection

We understand how important your content is to you and how frustrating it can be to see it leaked or misused. At FansyMe, we take content protection seriously. While there’s no 100% foolproof way to prevent leaks, we employ advanced technologies and strategies to minimise the risk and act swiftly when incidents occur.

Don’t panic—we’ve got your back

If your content is leaked, rest assured that we are here to help. We comply fully with the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), ensuring that our approach to security is both proactive and compliant with international standards. We are continually improving our technology to stay ahead of potential threats.

Technologies we use to protect your content

  1. Signed URLs
    Signed URLs are special links that grant access to your content for a limited time and under specific conditions. This means that even if someone tries to share or misuse your content link, it will be unusable after a certain period or if the conditions are not met.

  2. Protection against scraping
    Scraping is an automated process used by some individuals or bots to extract content from websites without permission. We use advanced algorithms and monitoring tools to detect and block scraping attempts, helping to keep your content safe from unauthorised downloads or distribution.

  3. Cryptographic signatures
    These are invisible digital markers embedded into your images. They allow us to track and identify your content even if it is shared without permission. If your content is leaked or published without authorisation, cryptographic signatures help us identify the culprit so we can take immediate action.

  4. Visible watermarks
    We strongly recommend keeping visible watermarks on your images at all times. This acts as a deterrent and makes it harder for your content to be misused.

  5. Age verification
    Ensuring that only verified users of appropriate age can access your content adds an extra layer of security, making your content less likely to be leaked or misused.

  6. Two-factor authentication (2FA)
    Adding 2FA to your account provides an extra layer of security, helping to prevent unauthorised access to your content and account.

What we do if a leak occurs

The moment we discover or are informed by you about any leaked content, we take immediate steps to address the situation:

  • Immediate takedown requests: We contact the platform hosting the unauthorised content to request its removal.
  • Ongoing monitoring: We continue to monitor the situation to prevent further unauthorised distribution.

Community reporting and support

We encourage our community to report any unauthorised use of content they come across. If you or anyone in your network spots your content being misused, please report it immediately. You can do so through the following links:

Additionally, you can monitor the status of any reported leaks or unauthorised use through your dashboard, ensuring full transparency of the actions being taken.

Your role in protecting your content

While we do our utmost to safeguard your content, there are additional steps you can take:

  • Visible watermarks: We strongly recommend keeping visible watermarks on your images at all times. This acts as a deterrent and makes it harder for your content to be misused.
  • Privacy and security settings: You can review and update all your image protection settings in your privacy and security settings.
  • Strong passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts. Consider using a password manager such as 1Password, LastPass, or similar tools to securely store and manage your passwords.

We are committed to protecting your content and supporting you in the fight against unauthorised use. If you ever have any concerns or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.